
Latest Chat GPT MCQ with answers

"ChatGPT" is a language model developed by OpenAI, specifically part of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) series. It is designed to generate human-like text responses based on the input received. ChatGPT is pre-trained on a diverse range of Internet text data and can be fine-tuned for specific applications. Users can interact with ChatGPT by providing prompts or questions, and the model responds by generating coherent and contextually relevant text. It is made available through the OpenAI API, allowing developers to integrate it into various applications for natural language understanding, conversation generation, and other tasks. ChatGPT is known for its versatility in handling a wide range of conversational topics and contexts.

100 "Chat GPT" MCQ with answers 

1. What does "GPT" stand for in ChatGPT?

a. General Purpose Transformer

b. Generative Pre-trained Transformer

c. Global Processing Technology

d. Gradient Prediction Tool

Answer: b. Generative Pre-trained Transformer

2. Who developed ChatGPT?

a. Facebook

b. Google

c. Microsoft

d. OpenAI

Answer: d. OpenAI

3. Which version of the underlying model powers ChatGPT?

a. GPT-2

b. GPT-3

c. GPT-4

d. GPT-5

Answer: b. GPT-3

4. In what programming language is ChatGPT implemented?

a. Python

b. JavaScript

c. C++

d. Java

Answer: a. Python

5. What is the main functionality of ChatGPT?

a. Image recognition

b. Speech synthesis

c. Text generation and conversation

d. Mathematical calculations

Answer: c. Text generation and conversation

6. How was ChatGPT trained initially?

a. Reinforcement Learning

b. Supervised Learning

c. Unsupervised Learning

d. Semi-Supervised Learning

Answer: c. Unsupervised Learning

7. What type of neural network architecture is used in ChatGPT?

a. CNN (Convolutional Neural Network)

b. RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)

c. LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory)

d. Transformer

Answer: d. Transformer

8. How many attention heads are there in each attention layer of GPT-3?

a. 8

b. 12

c. 16

d. 24

Answer: c. 16

9. What is the maximum token limit for a single input to ChatGPT?

a. 512 tokens

b. 1024 tokens

c. 2048 tokens

d. 4096 tokens

Answer: a. 512 tokens

10. What is the purpose of the "temperature" parameter in ChatGPT?

a. Adjusting the learning rate

b. Controlling the randomness of the model's output

c. Modifying the model's architecture

d. Changing the batch size

Answer: b. Controlling the randomness of the model's output

11. What technique is used to fine-tune ChatGPT for specific tasks?

a. Supervised Learning

b. Reinforcement Learning

c. Transfer Learning

d. Unsupervised Learning

Answer: c. Transfer Learning

12. In what year was the first version of ChatGPT released to the public?

a. 2018

b. 2019

c. 2020

d. 2021

Answer: b. 2019

13. What is the primary purpose of the "context window" in ChatGPT?

a. Controlling response length

b. Determining the model's mood

c. Adjusting the learning rate

d. Regulating token generation

Answer: a. Controlling response length

14. How many parameters does GPT-3 have?

a. 100 million

b. 175 billion

c. 1 trillion

d. 500 billion

Answer: b. 175 billion

15. What is the role of the "prompt" in interacting with ChatGPT?

a. It defines the model architecture

b. It specifies the language of the conversation

c. It provides initial input to the model

d. It controls the randomness of the model's output

Answer: c. It provides initial input to the model

16. Which of the following is a potential limitation of ChatGPT?

a. It has unlimited token capacity

b. It always generates factually accurate responses

c. It may produce biased or inappropriate content

d. It cannot understand context in conversations

Answer: c. It may produce biased or inappropriate content

17. What is the primary training objective of ChatGPT?

a. Maximizing accuracy on labeled datasets

b. Minimizing prediction errors in reinforcement learning

c. Maximizing the likelihood of generating correct tokens

d. Minimizing the number of attention heads

Answer: c. Maximizing the likelihood of generating correct tokens

18. How does ChatGPT handle user instructions during a conversation?

a. It ignores user instructions

b. It follows instructions only in the last message

c. It pays equal attention to all instructions

d. It focuses on the most recent and relevant instructions

Answer: d. It focuses on the most recent and relevant instructions

19. What is the purpose of the OpenAI Playground in the context of ChatGPT?

a. It's a physical training ground for models

b. It's an interactive platform for testing ChatGPT

c. It's a repository for storing model parameters

d. It's a development environment for creating new models

Answer: b. It's an interactive platform for testing ChatGPT

20. Which technique is used to address issues related to biased language in ChatGPT responses?

a. Counterfactual Data Augmentation

b. Reinforcement Learning

c. Transfer Learning

d. Prompt Engineering

Answer: a. Counterfactual Data Augmentation

21. What is the purpose of the "system" message in ChatGPT conversations?

a. It defines the model's personality

b. It guides the behavior of the assistant

c. It sets the context for the conversation

d. It controls the randomness of responses

Answer: c. It sets the context for the conversation

22. How does ChatGPT handle ambiguous or unclear user queries?

a. It always asks for clarification

b. It guesses the user's intent based on context

c. It ignores ambiguous queries

d. It prompts the user for more details

Answer: b. It guesses the user's intent based on context

23. What is the typical response time for an API call to ChatGPT, as of the latest information available?

a. Instantaneous

b. A few seconds

c. Several minutes

d. Depends on the user's location

Answer: b. A few seconds

24. How can users interact with ChatGPT via the OpenAI API?

a. Only through written text input

b. Through text or voice input

c. Only through voice input

d. Through text, images, or voice input

Answer: a. Only through written text input

25. In what programming language can developers make API calls to ChatGPT?

a. Python

b. JavaScript

c. Ruby

d. Java

Answer: a. Python

26. Which of the following is a potential ethical concern associated with large language models like ChatGPT?

a. Limited scalability

b. Inability to handle complex queries

c. Bias in generated content

d. Lack of language diversity

Answer: c. Bias in generated content

27. What feature allows users to control the behavior of ChatGPT by specifying certain instructions?

a. Response tuning

b. Context embedding

c. Prompt customization

d. Token filtering

Answer: a. Response tuning

28. How does ChatGPT handle requests for sensitive or private information?

a. It always refuses such requests

b. It may unintentionally generate sensitive content

c. It has a strict policy to avoid sensitive topics

d. It doesn't generate content related to sensitive information

Answer: d. It doesn't generate content related to sensitive information

29. What considerations are taken into account for the moderation of content generated by ChatGPT?

a. Only political considerations

b. Only cultural considerations

c. Political, cultural, and ethical considerations

d. No considerations are taken into account

Answer: c. Political, cultural, and ethical considerations

30. Which of the following is an advantage of using the ChatGPT API over the OpenAI Playground?

a. The API is free to use

b. The API provides real-time conversation

c. The API does not require an internet connection

d. The API allows direct interaction with the model parameters

Answer: b. The API provides real-time conversation

31. What is the primary objective of the "no-code" interface for ChatGPT?

a. To train the model from scratch

b. To make API calls without code

c. To generate code snippets

d. To visualize model architecture

Answer: b. To make API calls without code

32. How does the "temperature" parameter affect the output in ChatGPT?

a. Higher temperature produces more random output

b. Higher temperature produces more focused output

c. Temperature has no effect on the output

d. Temperature controls the language used in the output

Answer: a. Higher temperature produces more random output

33. Which ethical principle is crucial when designing and deploying AI models like ChatGPT?

a. Opacity

b. Autonomy

c. Fairness

d. Unpredictability

Answer: c. Fairness

34. What is the purpose of the "max tokens" parameter in ChatGPT?

a. It limits the total number of tokens in the response

b. It controls the temperature of the model

c. It specifies the maximum number of API calls

d. It determines the number of attention heads

Answer: a. It limits the total number of tokens in the response

35. What role does the "nucleus sampling" technique play in ChatGPT?

a. It determines the model's personality

b. It helps with response tuning

c. It is a decoding strategy for text generation

d. It controls the training dataset

Answer: c. It is a decoding strategy for text generation

36. How does ChatGPT handle offensive or inappropriate language in user queries?

a. It ignores such queries

b. It generates responses based on the language used

c. It refuses to respond to offensive queries

d. It reports offensive queries to OpenAI moderators

Answer: c. It refuses to respond to offensive queries

37. What is the purpose of the "top-p" parameter in ChatGPT?

a. It controls the prompt length

b. It sets the priority of specific tokens

c. It influences nucleus sampling

d. It adjusts the temperature of the model

Answer: c. It influences nucleus sampling

38. How does ChatGPT handle requests for medical or legal advice?

a. It provides accurate and specific advice

b. It refuses to provide such advice

c. It generates generic information

d. It redirects users to relevant websites

Answer: b. It refuses to provide such advice

39. What is the significance of "greedy decoding" in ChatGPT?

a. It emphasizes diverse response generation

b. It selects the highest-probability token at each step

c. It prioritizes creative content

d. It ignores user instructions

Answer: b. It selects the highest-probability token at each step

40. What steps does OpenAI take to continuously improve and address feedback regarding ChatGPT?

a. Regular model updates and feedback loops

b. Ignoring user feedback for stability

c. Keeping the model architecture unchanged

d. No feedback incorporation after the initial release

Answer: a. Regular model updates and feedback loops

41. What is the purpose of the "frequency penalty" parameter in ChatGPT?

a. It penalizes infrequently used words

b. It adjusts the repetition of tokens

c. It controls the learning rate of the model

d. It influences nucleus sampling

Answer: a. It penalizes infrequently used words

42. How does ChatGPT handle requests for generating code snippets?

a. It generates code based on natural language instructions

b. It refuses to generate any code

c. It requires a specific programming language specified in the prompt

d. It provides only generic code responses

Answer: a. It generates code based on natural language instructions

43. What is the role of the "open-ended" mode in ChatGPT conversations?

a. It restricts the model's responses to specific domains

b. It allows the model to provide creative and open-ended responses

c. It limits the conversation length

d. It enforces a strict response structure

Answer: b. It allows the model to provide creative and open-ended responses

44. How does ChatGPT handle contradictory instructions within a conversation?

a. It always follows the most recent instruction

b. It gets confused and provides inaccurate responses

c. It averages out contradictory instructions

d. It prioritizes the instruction given earlier in the conversation

Answer: a. It always follows the most recent instruction

45. What is the primary purpose of the ChatGPT Moderation API?

a. To generate moderated content

b. To identify and filter inappropriate content

c. To provide real-time feedback to users

d. To enhance model training data

Answer: b. To identify and filter inappropriate content

46. How does the ChatGPT moderation process balance safety and avoiding false positives?

a. By allowing all content without moderation

b. By relying solely on user feedback

c. By employing a combination of automation and human reviewers

d. By strictly adhering to predefined rules

Answer: c. By employing a combination of automation and human reviewers

47. What is the purpose of the "Stop" token in ChatGPT conversations?

a. It halts the conversation at that point

b. It indicates the end of a sentence

c. It is used to terminate API calls

d. It has no specific purpose in conversations

Answer: a. It halts the conversation at that point

48. How does ChatGPT handle ambiguous pronouns in user queries?

a. It ignores pronouns and asks for clarification

b. It guesses the referent based on context

c. It always chooses the most common referent

d. It refuses to respond to queries with pronouns

Answer: b. It guesses the referent based on context

49. What role does reinforcement learning play in the training of ChatGPT?

a. It is the primary training method for ChatGPT

b. It is used for fine-tuning specific tasks

c. It is not used in the training process

d. It determines the initial model architecture

Answer: b. It is used for fine-tuning specific tasks

50. How does ChatGPT handle requests for generating creative writing or storytelling?

a. It refuses to generate creative content

b. It provides generic and predefined creative responses

c. It actively generates creative and imaginative text

d. It requires specific prompts for creative outputs

Answer: c. It actively generates creative and imaginative text

51. What is the purpose of the "davinci" engine in ChatGPT?

a. It represents the default engine for ChatGPT

b. It is a code compilation engine

c. It is designed for creative and versatile responses

d. It is exclusively used for fine-tuning tasks

Answer: c. It is designed for creative and versatile responses

52. How does ChatGPT handle ambiguous user queries that could have multiple interpretations?

a. It randomly selects one interpretation

b. It asks the user for clarification

c. It considers all possible interpretations

d. It ignores ambiguous queries

Answer: c. It considers all possible interpretations

53. What is the primary goal of ChatGPT's prompt design in the "instruct" example given to the model?

a. To confuse the model

b. To elicit creative responses

c. To test its language proficiency

d. To showcase its knowledge on specific topics

Answer: b. To elicit creative responses

54. How does ChatGPT handle instructions that are too vague or unclear?

a. It generates random responses

b. It prompts the user for more specific instructions

c. It refuses to respond to vague instructions

d. It follows the most likely interpretation

Answer: b. It prompts the user for more specific instructions

55. What role does the "temperature" parameter play when sampling from the model's output distribution?

a. It controls the amount of randomness in the output

b. It determines the model's learning rate

c. It sets the number of attention heads

d. It adjusts the token frequency in the response

Answer: a. It controls the amount of randomness in the output

56. How does ChatGPT handle situations where the user disagrees with the model's response?

a. It ignores user feedback

b. It adjusts its response based on user feedback

c. It continues with the same response

d. It refuses to respond further

Answer: b. It adjusts its response based on user feedback

57. In the ChatGPT API, what is the purpose of the "user" and "assistant" roles in a conversation?

a. They define the user's and assistant's personality

b. They specify the language used in the conversation

c. They set the roles for a multiplayer conversation

d. They provide context for the model to generate responses

Answer: d. They provide context for the model to generate responses

58. What is the significance of the "pre-trained" aspect in ChatGPT's architecture?

a. It means the model is trained specifically for each user

b. It indicates the model is trained on a large dataset before fine-tuning

c. It implies the model only uses unsupervised learning

d. It suggests the model does not require any pre-training

Answer: b. It indicates the model is trained on a large dataset before fine-tuning

59. What is the impact of setting a higher "max tokens" value in ChatGPT conversations?

a. It limits the total response length

b. It increases the length of the conversation

c. It accelerates the model's response time

d. It improves the model's understanding of context

Answer: b. It increases the length of the conversation

60. How does ChatGPT handle requests for specific information that requires real-time updates?

a. It provides outdated information

b. It relies on cached data

c. It fetches real-time data for each response

d. It refuses to provide real-time information

Answer: b. It relies on cached data

61. What does "GPT" stand for in the context of ChatGPT?

a. General Processing Transformer

b. Generative Pre-trained Transformer

c. Generalized Prediction Toolkit

d. Gradient Programming Technique

Answer: b. Generative Pre-trained Transformer

62. How does ChatGPT handle requests for specific dates or time-sensitive information?

a. It provides real-time updates for such information

b. It relies on historical data regardless of the request

c. It refuses to respond to time-sensitive queries

d. It redirects users to external sources for updated information

Answer: a. It provides real-time updates for such information

63. What is the role of the "n" parameter in ChatGPT when using temperature-based sampling?

a. It specifies the number of attention heads

b. It controls the number of tokens in the response

c. It influences the probability distribution of the next token

d. It determines the number of fine-tuning steps

Answer: c. It influences the probability distribution of the next token

64. How does ChatGPT handle requests that involve generating specific numbers or statistics?

a. It provides accurate and up-to-date numerical information

b. It generates random numbers within a predefined range

c. It refuses to generate numerical data

d. It relies on historical data regardless of the request

Answer: b. It generates random numbers within a predefined range

65. What is the purpose of the "user" parameter when interacting with ChatGPT via the API?

a. It identifies the user's location

b. It defines the user's personality traits

c. It provides context for the model to generate responses

d. It specifies the user's preferred language

Answer: c. It provides context for the model to generate responses

66. In the context of ChatGPT, what does the "V2" version represent?

a. The second version of the underlying transformer architecture

b. A specific engine for visual content processing

c. A version specifically designed for voice interactions

d. The second iteration of the ChatGPT API

Answer: b. A specific engine for visual content processing

67. How does ChatGPT handle requests for generating content in multiple languages?

a. It generates content only in English

b. It can generate content in multiple languages based on the prompt

c. It responds with an error for non-English prompts

d. It requires a language specification for each response

Answer: b. It can generate content in multiple languages based on the prompt

68. What is the significance of the "openai.ChatCompletion" model in the ChatGPT API?

a. It represents the default engine for ChatGPT

b. It is an older version of the ChatGPT model

c. It is a specific model designed for chat-based interactions

d. It signifies a model specialized in code completion

Answer: c. It is a specific model designed for chat-based interactions

69. How does ChatGPT address concerns related to potential misuse of the technology?

a. By enforcing strict usage policies

b. By relying solely on user feedback

c. By limiting access to specific industries

d. By providing unrestricted access to all users

Answer: a. By enforcing strict usage policies

70. What is the purpose of the "log_level" parameter in the ChatGPT API?

a. It sets the verbosity of API responses

b. It controls the temperature of the model

c. It specifies the log file location

d. It defines the user's preferred language

Answer: a. It sets the verbosity of API responses

71. What is the purpose of the "max_history" parameter in ChatGPT conversations?

a. It limits the number of tokens in the response

b. It controls the length of the conversation history considered by the model

c. It determines the maximum number of API calls allowed

d. It sets the maximum number of attention heads

Answer: b. It controls the length of the conversation history considered by the model

72. How does ChatGPT handle requests for generating content that requires domain-specific knowledge?

a. It relies on pre-trained domain-specific models

b. It refuses to generate content outside common knowledge

c. It asks the user for specific domain details

d. It provides generic information regardless of the domain

Answer: b. It refuses to generate content outside common knowledge

73. What is the primary role of the "stop_sequence" parameter in ChatGPT conversations?

a. It determines the end of a conversation

b. It specifies a sequence that triggers the end of generation

c. It sets the context for the conversation

d. It controls the temperature of the model

Answer: b. It specifies a sequence that triggers the end of generation

74. How does ChatGPT handle requests for generating content that may violate copyright or intellectual property rights?

a. It actively generates content even if it infringes on copyright

b. It avoids generating content that may violate copyright

c. It requires users to specify copyright details in the prompt

d. It prompts users to acknowledge potential copyright issues

Answer: b. It avoids generating content that may violate copyright

75. What is the primary consideration when defining the "temperature" parameter in ChatGPT responses?

a. The physical temperature of the server hosting the model

b. The randomness and creativity of the model's output

c. The geographical location of the user

d. The frequency of API calls made by the user

Answer: b. The randomness and creativity of the model's output

76. How does ChatGPT handle requests for generating content that may promote harm or illegal activities?

a. It actively generates harmful or illegal content

b. It refuses to generate content that promotes harm or illegal activities

c. It requires users to specify the level of harm allowed

d. It generates content based on user preferences, regardless of legality

Answer: b. It refuses to generate content that promotes harm or illegal activities

77. What is the significance of the "temperature" parameter when set to a very low value in ChatGPT?

a. It increases randomness in the model's output

b. It decreases randomness, leading to more deterministic responses

c. It adjusts the response length

d. It has no effect on the model's output

Answer: b. It decreases randomness, leading to more deterministic responses

78. How does ChatGPT handle requests for generating content related to self-harm or suicide?

a. It generates content without any restrictions

b. It actively discourages self-harm or suicide

c. It provides information on self-help resources

d. It avoids generating any content related to self-harm

Answer: c. It provides information on self-help resources

79. What is the primary purpose of the ChatGPT Moderation API in content filtering?

a. To promote specific content

b. To identify and filter inappropriate content

c. To increase the length of conversations

d. To encourage creative responses

Answer: b. To identify and filter inappropriate content

80. How does ChatGPT handle requests for generating content that may reveal personal information about individuals?

a. It generates content without any privacy considerations

b. It actively avoids generating content that reveals personal information

c. It requires users to specify privacy preferences

d. It generates content based on public databases

Answer: b. It actively avoids generating content that reveals personal information

81. What is the purpose of the "frequency_penalty" parameter in ChatGPT responses?

a. It adjusts the response length

b. It controls the randomness of the model's output

c. It penalizes infrequently used words

d. It influences the probability distribution of the next token

Answer: c. It penalizes infrequently used words

82. How does ChatGPT handle requests for generating content that involves proprietary or confidential information?

a. It generates content without considering proprietary information

b. It actively avoids generating content involving proprietary information

c. It asks users for permission to include proprietary details

d. It generates content based on the popularity of proprietary data

Answer: b. It actively avoids generating content involving proprietary information

83. What is the role of "temperature" in influencing the creativity of ChatGPT's responses?

a. Higher temperature increases creativity

b. Lower temperature increases creativity

c. Temperature has no effect on creativity

d. It controls the length of the response

Answer: a. Higher temperature increases creativity

84. How does ChatGPT handle ambiguous queries that can have both positive and negative interpretations?

a. It randomly selects a positive or negative interpretation

b. It always assumes a positive interpretation

c. It considers both positive and negative interpretations

d. It prompts the user for clarification

Answer: c. It considers both positive and negative interpretations

85. What is the purpose of the "temperature" parameter when sampling from the model's output distribution?

a. It controls the randomness of the model's output

b. It adjusts the response length

c. It determines the model's learning rate

d. It influences the number of attention heads

Answer: a. It controls the randomness of the model's output

86. How does ChatGPT handle instructions that contradict each other within a conversation?

a. It averages out contradictory instructions

b. It prioritizes the instruction given earlier in the conversation

c. It follows the most recent instruction

d. It refuses to generate content in case of contradictions

Answer: c. It follows the most recent instruction

87. What is the primary purpose of the "prompt engineering" technique in ChatGPT?

a. To modify the model's architecture

b. To influence the model's response by crafting effective prompts

c. To adjust the learning rate of the model

d. To set the context for the conversation

Answer: b. To influence the model's response by crafting effective prompts

88. How does ChatGPT handle requests for generating content that involves solving complex mathematical problems?

a. It provides accurate solutions to mathematical problems

b. It generates random responses for mathematical queries

c. It refuses to generate content involving complex math

d. It relies on predefined mathematical formulas

Answer: c. It refuses to generate content involving complex math

89. What is the primary role of the "top-p" parameter in ChatGPT conversations?

a. It controls the prompt length

b. It sets the priority of specific tokens

c. It influences nucleus sampling

d. It adjusts the temperature of the model

Answer: c. It influences nucleus sampling

90. How does ChatGPT handle user instructions that may lead to unsafe or harmful content?

a. It generates content based on user instructions without restrictions

b. It actively avoids generating content that may be harmful

c. It asks users for confirmation before generating potentially harmful content

d. It generates content based on predefined safety guidelines

Answer: b. It actively avoids generating content that may be harmful

91. What role does the "max tokens" parameter play in ChatGPT responses?

a. It controls the temperature of the model

b. It limits the total number of tokens in the response

c. It adjusts the learning rate of the model

d. It sets the context for the conversation

Answer: b. It limits the total number of tokens in the response

92. How does ChatGPT handle requests for generating content in a specific tone or style?

a. It generates content only in a predefined style

b. It follows the user's tone preferences in the prompt

c. It refuses to generate content in specific tones

d. It generates content in a random tone

Answer: a. It generates content only in a predefined style

93. What is the primary purpose of the "max tokens" parameter in ChatGPT?

a. It controls the response length

b. It adjusts the randomness of the model's output

c. It sets the learning rate of the model

d. It influences nucleus sampling

Answer: a. It controls the response length

94. How does ChatGPT handle requests for generating content related to controversial topics?

a. It generates content without considering the controversy

b. It actively avoids generating content on controversial topics

c. It provides balanced perspectives on controversial issues

d. It generates content based on user preferences, regardless of controversy

Answer: b. It actively avoids generating content on controversial topics

95. What is the primary goal of the "temperature" parameter in ChatGPT conversations?

a. To control the prompt length

b. To increase the randomness of the model's output

c. To set the context for the conversation

d. To influence the number of attention heads

Answer: b. To increase the randomness of the model's output

96. How does ChatGPT handle requests for generating content that requires real-time updates, such as news events?

a. It provides real-time updates for such information

b. It relies on historical data regardless of the request

c. It refuses to respond to time-sensitive queries

d. It prompts users to specify the desired time frame for the information

Answer: b. It relies on historical data regardless of the request

97. What is the purpose of the "temperature" parameter when set to a very high value in ChatGPT?

a. It decreases randomness in the model's output

b. It increases randomness, leading to more diverse responses

c. It adjusts the learning rate of the model

d. It controls the frequency of API calls

Answer: b. It increases randomness, leading to more diverse responses

98. How does ChatGPT handle requests for generating content in a specific language?

a. It generates content only in English

b. It can generate content in multiple languages based on the prompt

c. It requires users to specify the desired language for each response

d. It generates content in a language specified in the model settings

Answer: b. It can generate content in multiple languages based on the prompt

99. What is the primary consideration when defining the "max tokens" parameter in ChatGPT conversations?

a. It influences the model's creativity

b. It controls the response length

c. It adjusts the model's learning rate

d. It determines the number of attention heads

Answer: b. It controls the response length

100. How does ChatGPT handle user instructions that may lead to biased or inappropriate content?

a. It generates content based on user instructions without restrictions

b. It actively avoids generating biased or inappropriate content

c. It asks users for confirmation before generating potentially biased content

d. It generates content based on predefined ethical guidelines

Answer: b. It actively avoids generating biased or inappropriate content

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