
Write an application to the BDO for relief for the flood-affected people of your area.

Recent flood-affected your area. Your need relief for the flood-affected people. Now, write an application to the BDO for relief for the flood-affected people of your area.

Prayer for relief for the flood-affected people.

Prayer for relief for the flood-affected people.


The BDO for relief

Kushmandi Thana.

Dakshin Dinajpur

Sub: Prayer for relief for the flood-affected people.


With due respect and humble submission, I am an inhabitant of Fatehpur, and beg to appeal to you for immediate relief to the flood-affected people of this locality. 

The flood that has recently visited this area is one of the most devastating ever witnessed by its people. Hundreds and thousands have been rendered homeless, foodless, and clothless. The conditions of the victims are miserable. The continual showers for the last few days have greatly added to their miseries. The standing crops have been destroyed. Thousands of people have taken their shelter on rooftops. boats and embankments. Their grains, cattle, and food are washed away by the flood. They have no food, no drinking water, and no medicine Cholera and diarrhea have broken out here and there. These may be in an epidemic form if proper precaution is not taken immediately. The entire Union has been affected very badly

Under the circumstances. I fervently pray and hope that you would be kind enough to sanction adequate relief goods to this area and thereby alleviate the sufferings of the victims.


Kushmandi. D/ Dinajpur

Yours faithfully

Kamal sarkar

On behalf of the locality

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