
Write an application to the headmaster/headmistress of your school seeking permission to go on a study

Suppose that you want to go on a study tour. You have selected the place and this is a historical place called Mainamati. On behalf of your class, you have to seek permission to go there from your Headmaster. Now write an application to the headmaster/headmistress of your school seeking permission to go on a study tour. 

Prayer for permission to go on a study tour.


The Headmaster.

DORH School, Dhaka.

Sub: Prayer for permission to go on a study tour.


We, the students of class IX of your school, beg most respectfully and humbly to state that we wish to undertake a study tour to visit Mainamati a place of historical interest. Such a visit to the place will go a long way to give us a clear idea of our distaort past.

Our party will consist of 60 students and our history teacher which will need a week to complete the whole programme. We have decided to live a 60 seated bus from Dhaka for the whole period of the tour. We, therefore, fervently pray and hope that you will be kind enough to give us permission to go to mainamati, the renowned historical place which will give us much pleasure.

We remain


Yours obediently. 

The students of Class IX.

Dhaka The 

20th Feb............

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