
A pen friend from the U.S.A. has requested you to let him know about the most pleasant season in West Bengal

A pen friend from the U.S.A. has requested you to let him know about the most pleasant season in West Bengal. Write a letter in reply in about 120-130 words :

54/1/A. A.P.C.

Road Calcutta-70009


Dear Anish.

Your letter is just to hand. You have wanted to know about the most pleasant season in West Bengal. Now am writing about it.

In West Bengal, there are six seasons. Winter is one of them. It is a pleasant season. The sky remains clear. The weather is dry and cold. We enjoy our days sleeping, eating and doing all types of work. It is a season of varieties of crops, vegetables and fruits. Varieties of flowers bloom. Fairs and festivals take place in this season. Many fruits like apples, oranges, grapes. pears, plums and vegetables like potatoes. cabbages, cauliflowers, onions. peas, tomatoes, gourds are brought forth in this season. Festivals like Christmas, Jagadhatri Puja, Saraswati Puja etc. are held during this season. Farmers are happy because this season brings money to them.

No more today.

Yours sincerely,


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