
Write a letter to your friend, telling him what you propose to do during the three months after your examination

Write a letter to your friend, telling him what you propose to do during the three months after your examination. [তােমার পরীক্ষার পরের তিনমাস কী করতে চাও তা জানিয়ে বন্ধুর নিকট পত্র লেখাে ]



My dear Gourab,

What is the matter with you, dear? It has been more than a month since I heard from you. It is a case of 'out of sight, out of mind'. I was busy with my lesson. My examination is just over. I have done well in all subjects. Now, I am very tired and so, have to rest and sleep. For this reason, I wish to visit your house in South 24 Parganas beside Sundarban. But the father wants me to take a short course in Computer Training during this recess. He wants to see me an engineering student after the publication of my H. S. result. That is why he advises me that I should have a Computer Training Course well. It is a fact that these three months of intensive training will surely help me in my future education. Before getting admission in Training Course I shall go to your village cottage (বাড়ী) for enjoying the charming natural beauty. I want to have an unseen scene of the said beauty which I did never have. I hope that you will make all the necessary arrangements for your dear one.

I am well. More, when we meet.

With love and respect, -

Yours Evers,

Disha Saha

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