
Write a letter to the O.C. of your local Police Station, reporting the lost

Suppose you lost your bicycle. Write a letter to the O.C. of your local Police Station, reporting the lost মনে করো তােমার বাই-সাইকেলটি হারিয়ে গেছে। হারানাের রিপাের্ট জানিয়ে তােমার স্থানীয় থানার ও.সি. -র নিকট একটি চিঠি লেখ।।

The Officer-in-Charge,
Kushmandi Police Station,
Dakshin Dinajpur.


Sub.: Report on the loss of the bicycle.

This is to inform you that my bi-cycle was lost yesterday in the evening on the 17th November in 2009. I went to Egra for buying stationery items. I kept my bi-cycle the light post in front of the stationery shop. The shop was in front of the Kushmandi High school. Just after shopping, I went to take my cycle. But I was surprised to find that the cycle was gone.

I was searched every corner of the area but failed to find out it. The cycle was in a new condition and of green colour. It was Hercules. I regret to say that I don't remember the number of it.

I would be obliged if you kindly investigate the case and take the necessary steps to recover my cycle.

Thanking you,

Naame: ........................
Mobile No:
Yours Truly
Sing -------------- 

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Suppose you have lost your bi-cycle. Lodge an FIR with the Police Station of the area where the theft has been committed.


The Officer-in-charge

Krishnagar Police Station




I beg to inform you that my bicycle has been stolen today at about 10-30 a.m. from the crowded place in front of the City Post Office.

I carefully locked my cycle, left it within a few yards from the main gate of the Post Office and went in to buy some postal stamps. It took me only six or seven minutes to come out and see my bi-cycle missing in broad daylight. I may mention here that there has been, of late, quite a few cases of cycle theft in the area.

I give here the details of my bi-cycle. It is a 'Hero' cycle, black in colour, in fairly good condition with half chain cover and Trade Mark bearing no T XXXX.

I would request you to enter the case in your diary and take speedy and adequate steps to trace the thief and recover the bicycle.

Patra Market




Yours faithfully, 

Dibakar Chatterjee

Repleted Search:
reporting the lost
write a letter to the police station, reporting the theft of your bicycle
request letter to the police station for security
write a letter to the police officer about the loss of your bicycle in Hindi
letter to oc of a police station
write a letter to the superintendent of police complaining about the theft of your bicycle
gd application to the police station
letter to the police station for loss of document in English
request letter to superintendent of police

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