Leverage the Power of Traffic Today and Say Goodbye to All
Other Traffic Methods! Sit Back and Learn Some Real Traffic Methods
The World Wide Web has truly pervaded all aspects of human existence.
Everything and everyone is going online now, and the move towards a
totally connected world is not “if” anymore, it’s “when”.
Statistics show that up to 85% of the people who spend time online
also purchase online. If you take the North American continent alone
where more than 75% of the population have a broadband Internet
connection at home, even if a fraction of these people buy online, it is
still a huge market. Online purchasing is also seeing tremendous growth and many companies
are projecting a doubling of volume in just three years. If you take
PayPal as a case in point, they have gone from $2 billion in payment
volumes in 2002 to $16 billion in 2009 with revenues crossing $2.4
Amazon is another case that you can take as an example. Considering
that Amazon is one of the largest online retailers, if not the largest,
just looking at their total sales volume will show you that the trend in
terms of online purchasing is only going up. While just four years ago,
in 2006, Amazon was about par with retail sales, since then they have
posted higher growth rates, including during the recession years while
retail sales has seen a steady decline in sales. Amazon has posted a 16%
growth since the last one year alone while retail sales have grown only
by 2.5%.
Online is where you will have to be in the future and whether you are
selling something or just blogging about your thoughts, if you are
serious about it you will have to do something to increase web traffic
to your site.
There are a number of ways in which you can do this and there are a
number of people who give free advice on what you need to do to increase
web traffic. One of the most common things you hear is SEO or Search
Engine Optimization, and while this is something that you have to keep
in mind, there are a number of other things that you can also think
This guide is meant to be informative to help beginners who want to
set up their own websites on the salient points that they will have to
keep in mind while they do this.