
Basic Computer Knowledge Questions and Answer

Today, In this post share some Basic-Computer-Knowledge Questions and Answer , i hope that this question and answer help you for any competitive exam.

Question and answers

1) The improvement of computer hardware theory is summarized by which law.? A.) Metcalf’s law     B.) Bill’s Law
C.) Grove’s law     D.) Moore’s First Law

  • Answer: Option 'D'
  • Moore’s First Law
2) The most widely used computer device is.
A.) Solid state disks     B.) External hard disk
C.) Internal hard disk    D.) Mouse

  • Answer: Option 'C'
  • Internal hard disk

3)  _______ are software which is used to do particular task.
A.) Operating system     B.) Program
C.) Data     D.) Software

Answer: Option 'B'

4)  Who is father of modern computers?
A.) Abraham Lincoln     B.) James Gosling
C.) Charles Babbage    D.) Gordon E. Moore

  • Answer: Option 'C'
  • Charles Babbage

5) How many generations of computers we have?
A.) 6    B.) 7
C.) 5     D.) 4

  • Answer: Option 'C'
  • 5
6) ________ controls the way in which the computer system functions and provides a means by which users can interact with the computer.
A.) The operating system    B.) The motherboard
C.) The platform     D.) Application software

  • Answer: Option 'A'
  • The operating system

7) All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks EXCEPT:
A.) Viruses    B.) Hackers
C.) Spam     D.) Identity theft.

  • Answer: Option 'C'
  • Spam

8) The term 'Pentium' is related to
A.) DVD    B.) Hard Disk
C.) Microprocessor     D.) Mouse

  • Answer: Option 'C'
  • Microprocessor

10) What does HTTP stands for?
A.) Head Tail Transfer Protocol    B.) Hypertext Transfer Protocol
C.) Hypertext Transfer Plotter     D.) Hypertext Transfer Plot
  •  Answer: Option 'B'
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol

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